Certificate of Title Bonds by State
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What is a Bonded Title?
A bonded title is simply a temporary title backed by a surety bond (aka title bond or certificate or title bond) that legally proves your ownership claim to a vehicle.
It's important to understand these facts:
- You only need a bonded title if the original vehicle title is missing, unreadable or filled out incorrectly
- A bonded title is the same as a standard title in that it gives you legal ownership of the vehicle
- A bonded title extends protection to a "rightful" previous owner if the vehicle was stolen and sold
- A bonded title has a term of a few years (different in every state) at which time you can get a standard title and the vehicle is officially - 100% - yours
And of course a bonded title lets you register the vehicle in your state so you can drive it legally and pay property taxes or state fees on it.
What is a Title Bond?
A title bond is the surety bond that "backs" the bonded title.
A surety bond is a legal contract, similar to insurance, that acts as a guarantee that you are the rightful owner of the vehicle.
You're essentially saying:
"This vehicle was not stolen and I am the rightful owner. Nobody else has a lien or legal claim to this vehicle."
If this turns out not to be the case and a previous owner (or individual with a debt claim on the vehicle) has proof they are the rightful owner of the vehicle, they can make a claim against the bond for financial compensation.
This compensation can help the rightful owner pay for any:
- Vehicle damages
- Restoring changes to the vehicle
- Paying any fines, fees, or debts that were levied on the vehicle
Remember, do your due diligence and as long as you know the vehicle was not stolen and free of liens, you can get a bonded title with confidence.

Use Our Title Bond Calculator
For the fastest service, use our title bond calculator.
Make sur eyou have your VIM number.
In about 3 minutes you'll have a firm price for your title bond.
What is the Title Bond Amount?
The amount of the title bond is the total available coverage afforded to any rightful owner of the vehicle or debt holder if there is one.
The amount is based on the market value of the vehicle you're getting titled.
The price to purchase the title bond is a small fraction of the bond amount. Below you'll find real example pricing.
Determining The Fair Market Value of Your Vehicle
The market value is going to depend on the state your getting the title bond.
For example:
- In Texas, your local tax office will tell you the value of your vehicle
- In Alabama, there is a table you can reference that tells you the value
But in most states, you can use a service like Kelly Blue Book to determine the value.
The value will determine the amount of the title bond you need to purchase.
Again, it's different in many states, but it's typically some multiple of the vehicle value like 2 or 3 times the value.
How Much Does a Title Bond Cost?
Once you have the value of the bond you need, purchasing the bond is as easy as completing our online checkout form.
When you click on your state, you'll see the pricing.
In most cases you'll be able to instantly purchase your title bond for a low fixed price of $100 to $600 depending on the value.
This price is a one time cost. It covers the entire bond term. There's no renewal payments or anything like that.
If your vehicle value is high, typically over $50,000, you will have to get a custom quote.
Though keep in mind this value will be different based on your state and the type of vehicle.
Getting a Custom Title Bond Quote
Because the amount of the title bond is so high, the surety will require a credit check to determine a rate.
A surety is the insurance company that underwrites the title bond. And every surety will quote a different rate based on their own internal assessment factors.
This rate multiplied by the bond amount is the price you'll pay for these higher amount title bonds.
This is how we (Surety Bonds Direct) can save you potentially hundreds of dollars.
It's our job to price shop for you and get you the lowest possible rate and price.
Here are some example prices based on a $50,000 bond. Pay attention to how the rate greatly affects the price.
Bond Amount | Custom Rate | Title Bond Cost |
$50,000 | 0.5% | $250 |
$50,000 | 1.0% | $500 |
$50,000 | 1.5% | $750 |
$50,000 | 3.0% | $1,500 |
You can have us price shop for you at no cost. And when we get you pricing, there is no obligation to purchase.
So you have nothing to lose. Click on your state and get your pricing today.

Use Our Title Bond Calculator
For the fastest service, use our title bond calculator.
Make sur eyou have your VIM number.
In about 3 minutes you'll have a firm price for your title bond.
What Happens After You Purchase Your Title Bond?
Once you purchase your title bond, our issuance team will prepare your bond. This is a fast process involving:
- Filling out the correct title bond form
- Getting the correct signature and seals
- Attaching the required power of attorney
Once your bond is ready we can send it to you. Depending on your state, this will be unique.
- You might be able to instantly download your bond after you purchase
- We might have to email you a copy of your bond
- We might have to mail you the original bond
Again, click on your state and you can get all of the details for how your bond will be handled based on your state's rules.
Submitting Your Title Bond
Once you get your bond, you will submit it with other required paperwork to the appropriate state department.
This might be a Department of Motor Vehicles, a Department of Revenue, or a tax assessor's office.
Your state will have explicit directions on their website. Make sure you checkout our title bond videos for more help.
How Long Does a Title Bond Last?
We've mentioned the bond term. This is how long your bond will last.
In most states, the bond term is 3 years.
Some states like New Mexico it's a 4 year bond term.
Remember, when you purchase your title bond, it's one payment for the entire bond term.
When your term is over, you can take the bonded title and have a standard title issued.
Once the standard title is issued, no previous owner or debt holder can make any claim against the vehicle.
It's 100%, officially yours.

Use Our Title Bond Calculator
For the fastest service, use our title bond calculator.
Make sur eyou have your VIM number.
In about 3 minutes you'll have a firm price for your title bond.
Get a Certificate of Title Bond in Your State

What Is a Bonded Title and Why Do I Need One?
In some cases a seller may intentionally or accidentally sell the vehicle without the proper title paperwork. Under these circumstances the vehicle owner may need to a type of surety bond call a certificate of title bond.

What is a Bonded Title in Texas?
Learn what a bonded title is in Texas and how you can get one. There are many steps so let's break them down and make this simple.

What is a Bonded Title in California?
Here are the steps to get a bonded title in California. The steps are not hard to follow but you must do them in order. Let's get your vehicle titled!
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