A DMEPOS Surety Bond is a type of surety bond issued pursuant to requirements of the Department of Human Services of the State of Minnesota and the Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP). The surety bond is mandated by Minnesota Statute ยง 256B.04 Subd. 21(g) and its purpose is to secure the compliance by the bonded principal with the terms of Minnesota Statute, Chapter 256B, and the rules set forth by the Commissioner, and other legal obligations arising out of the Principal's conduct as a DMEPOS provider. The surety bond is specifically meant for those enrolling or re-enrolling durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) providers. The coverage amount of the bond is fifty thousand dollars if your total Medicaid payments for DMEPOS services in the previous calendar year were three hundred thousand dollars or less; or one hundred thousand dollars if your total Medicaid payments for DMEPOS services in the previous calendar year were over three hundred thousand dollars.
Applicants may also be required to post a federal DMEPOS (Durable Medical Equipment Provider) Surety Bond.